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DDoS Attacks / Atacuri DDoS - Printable Version

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DDoS Attacks / Atacuri DDoS - Vice - 03-24-2024

[EN] Yesterday around 23:40, our server, on which the entire community is hosted, suffered a very strong DDoS attack, so the server was stopped for about 20 minutes and the community was inaccessible during this time, be it the forums or the TeamSpeak 3/Counter-Strike servers. 
At this moment the community forums and servers are online!
If this problem is repeated, I will announce it every time I have the opportunity in this thread! Don't worry! Smile

[RO] Ieri, in jurul orei 23:40, server-ul nostru pe care este gazduita intreaga comunitate a suferit un atac DDoS foarte puternic, din acest motiv server-ul a fost oprit pentru aproximativ 20 minute si comunitatea a fost inaccesibila in acest timp, fie ca a fost vorba despre forumuri sau serverele de TeamSpeak 3/Counter-Strike.
In acest moment forumurile comunitatii si serverele sunt online!
Daca aceasta problema se va repeta, voi anunta de fiecare data cand voi avea posibilitatea in acest thread! Nu va faceti griji! Smile

RE: DDoS Attacks / Atacuri DDoS - Vice - 04-10-2024

[EN] On April 27, there was another very strong DDoS attack that caused the server to stop, and due to the lack of communication/professionalism of the hosting company, although the server was restarted shortly after the end of the attack, the website, the TeamSpeak 3 server and the Counter-Strike server were inaccessible until yesterday, when I found the problem by myself and solved it. In the near future, we will definitely change the hosting company for a better functioning of the community. At the moment, time does not allow me to deal with this and I can only hope that we will not have any more of these attacks or that the hosting company will take the related measures!
At this moment the community forums and servers are online!
If this problem is repeated, I will announce it every time I have the opportunity in this thread! Don't worry! Smile

[RO] In data de 27 aprilie a existat un alt atac DDoS foarte puternic ce a cauzat oprirea server-ului, iar din cauza lipsei de comunicare/profesionalism a firmei de gazduire, desi server-ul a fost repornit la scurt timp dupa incheierea atacului, website-ul, server-ul de TeamSpeak 3 si server-ul de Counter-Strike au fost inaccesibile pana ieri, cand am gasit problema de unul singur si am rezolvat-o. In viitorul apropiat o sa schimbam cu siguranta firma de gazduire pentru o functionare cat mai buna a comunitatii. Momentan timpul nu imi permite sa ma ocup de asta si nu pot decat sa sper ca nu vom mai avea parte de aceste atacuri sau ca firma de gazduire va lua masurile aferente!
In acest moment forumurile comunitatii si serverele sunt online!
Daca aceasta problema se va repeta, voi anunta de fiecare data cand voi avea posibilitatea in acest thread! Nu va faceti griji! Smile