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IFYOUPLAY.TOP - Virtual Store - Rules
Threads in which staff are sought for a game server or a community are not allowed;
Gratuities are not allowed;
Threads where you sell/buy sponsorships are not allowed;
Double-posting is only allowed if at least 24 hours have passed since the last post;
If you have evidence in the case of a member who posted an ad that he is a scammer, post the evidence in his thread;
After you have managed to sell/buy/exchange the product for which you posted the ad please notify the other members by replying in the thread.

Thread-urile in care se cauta staff pentru servere de jocuri sau forumuri nu sunt permise;
Gratuitatile nu sunt permise;
Thread-urile in care se vand/cumpara/schimba sponsorizari nu sunt permise;
Double-post-ul nu este permis decat in conditiile in care au trecut minim 24 ore de la ultimul post;
In cazul in care aveti dovezi ca un membru care a postat un anunt este tepar, postati dovezile in thread-ul acestuia;
Dupa ce ati reusit sa vindeti/cumparati/schimbati un produs pentru care ati postat anunt, va rugam sa instiintati ceilalti membri printr-un reply in thread.

Forums in 'IFYOUPLAY.TOP - Virtual Store'
  Forum Threads Posts Last Post
6 208 VAND cont SA-MP pe B-Zone...
06-25-2024, 09:35 PM
by Vice
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