11-10-2024, 04:21 PM
[EN] The Halloween update has been released.
[RO] Update-ul de Halloween a fost scos.
[EN] The ability to switch between first person and third person view has been removed. From now on, the only possibility to play is from first person view.
[RO] Posibilitatea de a putea comuta intre first person si third person view a fost eliminata. De acum inainte singura posibilitate de a juca este din first person view.
[EN] The Halloween update has been released.
[RO] Update-ul de Halloween a fost scos.
[EN] The ability to switch between first person and third person view has been removed. From now on, the only possibility to play is from first person view.
[RO] Posibilitatea de a putea comuta intre first person si third person view a fost eliminata. De acum inainte singura posibilitate de a juca este din first person view.